We are looking forward to seeing all of you TOMORROW, Tuesday the 29th for our last chapter in The Discerner. This has been such a great study and a great time of growth for all of us and the last chapter is a FANTASTIC one!
**Sweet Tina will be providing our lunch this week!!** Ask The Holy Spirit to highlight someone whom you can be an encouragement to. You are strengthened and encouraged yourself when you work with God to build each other up!!

Here is the second prophetic word that I submitted last week for those of you who felt that it was for you!!!
Victorious Bride ~ Prophetic Word
I heard: “This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine”. You shine bright! You have always been a bright light. Words were spoken over you as a child that were in direct opposition to what the Lord says over you and about your willingness to shine for all to see the beauty and Majesty of The Lord. In His wisdom, He granted your parents great favor when He blessed their lives with the bounding baby bundle of YOU!!! They did not realize the extent of this great gift. Just as Jesus was not recognized in His own town, You had to go out in order to be found. No matter what the enemy has done to steal from you, or to kill, or to destroy in your life, you have a knowing deep down inside of you that you were born for something greater. It is true. “You are greater than the sum of your parts”. Greater because “Greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world”. The word “greater” really is being highlighted to me and The Lord says that you know what is greater and you are greater.
You truly are “a Mary in a Martha world”.
Jesus said to Martha: But the Lord answered her, "Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things, but one thing is needed. Mary has chosen the best part; it will not be taken away from her." Lk 10: 41-42.
“You are greater than the sum of your parts” If you say that something is more than the sum of its parts or greater than the sum of its parts, you mean that it is better than you would expect from the individual parts, because the way they combine adds a different quality. Jesus is the different quality and everything you do is greater because it is done through Him and with Him! You are able to do more, dream more and live more because of the One who is GREATER lives in, moves in, has His being, and breathes through YOU!!!! He has more to share with you..........just ask Him.
Respectfully Submitted by:
Lisa Watson


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